Power Posing at SXSW

The time spent at SXSW (just call it South By), can be summed up in one important talk I attended called "Power Posing!". The premise of the talk was that our body language shapes who we are and deeply affects our chance of success in pitches, client interactions and life in general. By standing in a power pose for a few minutes (3-5) just before you enter an important meeting, or the start of your day, your levels of confidence will go up significantly and your power will come through to others around you. She also noted that looking at your mobile phone is intrinsically a "low-power" pose and you actually decrease your power by looking at your phone all hunched up over your little black rectangle. So I'm asking everyone to stand up for 3 mins today and before every important meeting and "Strike a Pose" - a Power Pose that is!

(Some Power Pose Examples & TED Talk Video)

*Warning - Pinterest is highly addictive and should be taken seriously*

Pinterest is heating up and it’s addicting! The visual bookmarking site or virtual pinboard allows people to “pin”, share and organize digital images (theirs and/or others) in a compelling and interesting way. Think of it as Google Images organized and personalized for the social era. For marketers this may be the next “useful” shiny object to dive into. -Why should you care?- We are all a little bored with the standard way to view an image on Facebook and frankly they can’t organize images very well. Pinterest allows you to build a beautiful, simple and organized visual library that is extremely search friendly. This doesn't mean stop what you’re doing on your existing social channels, but to reconsider how you organize your image based content.

Some of the best uses for Pinterest include: - Know what’s hot! - Stay connected to the latest trends and styles in a myriad of categories - Elevate your brand by connecting all of the visual dots. Your brand imagery is critical to how people perceive your company. Unlike Google Images that provides little or no control, Pinterest allows your to organize the images in a way that is meaningful to you and your brand. - SEO - everyone is raving about how Pinterest is driving qualified traffic to their sites. Etsy claims it’s the number 1 driver of traffic for them. Wow!-While many of the brands that are on Pinterest are home decor, recipes, DIY, fashion, style and fitness related -- the expansion of the site is upon us and you can find almost any category within the “pin-boards.”

According to mashable some of the brands that have already “pinned” a stake in the ground and are doing it well are:-Gilt Home Whole FoodsModClothMartha Stewart Better Homes and GardensReal SimpleBergdorf GoodmanTravel ChannelClub Monaco Rhapsody MusicMashable-Why are they doing it well?According to pinterest they are pinning from various sources across the web and they are engaging with others by repinning (or RTing, liking) from others on the site and as we all know this is key to building relationships and expanding engagement. They also create multiple topic boards to allows people with various interests to connect to them. Mashable has put together a beginners guide for those of you that want to try it!

What are your thoughts on Pinterest? Let us know.

Marketing Game Mechanics

I used to be a “gamer”, but I thought that I should spend my time focused on my career and personal life and put the joystick down. It was a tough decision, I just didn’t have the time to play. But, now I have a reason to play again! Not sure that my wife will be happy, but with the success of game-based marketing strategies, marketers are taking their cues from the gaming world. “Life is a game” has reached a tipping point (some would say it has already jumped the shark) and with the proliferation of smart phones, we are playing whether we asked for it or not. We are “leveling up”, being rewarded, earning points, receiving badges, competing for seniority and becoming the master of our domain all at the hands of game mechanics. Now don't get me wrong, we have been "gaming" for centuries and some of the core mechanics of promotions, sales and marketing have always included game mechanics, but in this digital world they are playing an increasingly important role.

Sites like Bunchball and SCVNGR are driving customer participation strategies through gaming mechanics and participation is what builds lasting relationships, brand affinity, and brand loyalty. When you layer on an achievement layer that rewards people for engaging with your brand, you are giving people a fun, but powerful way to keep them interested, all while driving business value for your brand.

According to SCVNGR, a mobile gaming company that brings gaming to the real-world, there are at least fifty game dynamics available. They have even published a deck of cards that they give to each employee for memorization. According to others like Adrian Chan from Gravity7, SCVNGR’s list is flawed and doesn't help us truly understand what is a work here.  No matter what you think about gaming mechanics, they are here to stay and it is up to us as marketers to get a handle on them.

Here are few from SCVNGR's deck:

   * Achievements - Status - Virtual items
   * Blissful Productivity - Making basic tasks fun and rewarding
   * Communal Discovery - Working together as a virtual team like the MIT DARPA balloon challenge
   * Appointment dynamic - People must return at a specific time and perform an action to get a reward, like in Farmville
   * Countdown - The clock is ticking only 1 day left!
   * Pride - I have all ten badges!
   * Viral Game Mechanics - Farmvill makes you more successful by inviting your friends
   * Free Lunch - Group efforts bring greater rewards - like Groupon
   * Fun once, Fun always - a simple action like a check-in that brings a little joy into your heart each time you do it
   * Cascading Information Theory - bite size release of information keep people coming back to move forward

Seth Priebatsch from SCVNGR says:
“ By now, we're used to letting Facebook and Twitter capture our social lives on the web -- building a "social layer" on top of the real world. At TEDxBoston, Seth Priebatsch looks at the next layer in progress: the "game layer," a pervasive net of behavior-steering game dynamics that will reshape education and commerce.”

How can games change the world?

What do you think about the gaming layer and the mechanics behind it?